Everything you see!
Scan your world and receive within seconds
the links to the latest trends, to the community,
sales & relevant social media content!
What is your sports? Do you like to travel?
We got you covered! Just like millions
other interests. Just as individual as
your tastes and daily habits.
Pay less, buy more!
Don't we all want a Best Buddy who is always
up to date with the best deals?
ktchng is the one-click version of that.
In the ktchng store you can exchange your collected
ktchng KTC tokens for many ktchng products and offers.
We wish you a lot of fun while browsing!
Be one of the first creators with ktchng merch!
More KTC means more of everything!
Collect even more KTC with product scans,
recommend the app or contact us with
your ideas and suggestions on what we
should include in the new ktchng store.
Small gifts keep friendship alive!
If you share at ktchng you will be rewarded twice! Your friends and you
enjoy all the benefits of the exclusive ktchng trends and in addition
we reward you for your generosity with more KTC.
Share everything you scan and what you like in the daily
WHAT'S HOT updates. Sharing is caring!
For the interaction with the ktchng APP we provide
our users with ktchng tokens (KTC).
1 KTC = 1 EUR in value and is therefore more secure
than any other digital blockchain solution. Furthermore,
our KTC is audited and approved by the
Financial Market Authority (FMA).
We are constantly expanding our content and
the offers in our ktchng webshop for you. Soon
you will also be able to redeem your collected KTCs
at our (trade) partners online & offline.
Until then, have fun scanning & collecting KTC.
The motto is: scan, scan, scan!
Everything in one safe place!
The ktchng app offers you your personal
wallet, the overview of earned KTCs and further
other ways to earn and share.
Follow our Creators and become one today.
With ktchng you can scan what you are interested in and know first
what's trending in the community right now.
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